Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Meet Janaina


Well, I was born in Goiânia and moved to Brasília in 2001. I graduated in Industrial Design at University of Brasília. Nowadays I am working with the production of animations and motion design. That is my interest area in design, but I also like graphic design, that makes magazines, brands projects and web design. I love my job, and all the things related whith creativity and visual language. I spend lot of time looking to visual news. Music is my hobby. No, I dont play anything, I just like to search for new bands on the net. I also like to draw and take pictures.Well, truly I like all the things related to art and culture.



testecarla said...


Welcome to this fantastic group! Very interesting to know what you do! I'd never have imagined that you work in this incredible are of animations and design. I wish I had the time to study that myself!

You've been a great addition to our group.


Dennis said...


Welcome from me, too. What an interesting area you work in. One thing I've learned from being involved with this blogging group is what a GREAT difference visuals make. Aside from comments, I try never to make a posting without including a photo. It means that people have something to look at even if the text is uninteresting.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the welcome. I’m sorry about writing only now…I have a problem with the time. It’s faster than I!
It´s very interesting the strenght and subtle of visual information. People are influenced by it all the time and don’t realize.
I read an article that talks about the time that people spend to judge if they like or not a website. It takes only 1/20 seconds! Unbelievable how much the eyes are fast! This research was done by University of Carleton, in Ottawa, in Canada.
So keep including photos in articles!


Dennis said...


Nice to hear from you. I don't know the first thing about web design, but I know intuitively that colour and layout are tremendously important. I have mentioned that I am in a group that puts on (arranges) a yearly blues conceert. I always enjoy when we are discussing the design of the poster. By chance we have stumbled on a colour, an orange, that catches the eye and which, after 12 years, people associate with out concert.

